Ironing & Folding A Fitted Sheet - A Simple Hack!

This is one of my absolute favourite skills to show people - I love when people gasp and want to rush home immediately to iron and fold their fitted sheets now that they know how!

It really is quite simple, but not something that often gets shared since folding fitted sheets isn't always at the forefront of people's conversations...until now! 

Take the lower corners of the fitted sheet, pop your hands into them and turn them inside out. Next, take those corners and bury your hands (still inside the corners!) into the other corners - these ones the right way round. You should now be left with your hands inside two layers of sheet corners, and a nice flat surface to iron. 

Pop each corner over the end of the ironing board - you know what to do now! Get de-creasing. 

This is the super fun part. 

Pop your hands back into those corners, and lay it flat onto the ironing board. Turn the sides inwards, fold it in half once, twice, three times...and we are done! Smug faces all round.


Love, Charlie x


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