How to neatly & safely store your Christmas decorations ready for next year...

I always feel a little sad when it’s time to get the Christmas decorations down and store them away. Another year has begun, and didn’t that last one go quickly!?

Technically, you should take your decorations down on the 5th of January. Epiphany is on the 6th of January, and that is the end of the Christmas period.

Let me show you how I pack mine away safely ready for next Christmas!

One top tip is to stock up on tissue paper and bubble wrap! Also do invest in some stackable plastic tubs. 

I always start by removing my gold fabric bows. These are simply gold bows I made with some ribbon. They keep so well in the box when put away with care.

Then get to removing and laying out your hanging decorations by style.

Cheap and cheerful decorations can be stored at the bottom of the box. Use your tissue paper to wrap any that are covered in glitter to avoid glitter contamination!!!

Since you’ve laid all of your decorations out by style, they can all be grouped together in the box. This helps with positioning next year, as you can see exactly how many of each you have when you take them back out.

Softer decorations don’t need wrapping as they tend to stay nice and intact. Especially when surrounded by the tissue paper from the other ornaments. 

Once you’ve popped these away, add in a nice crisp layer of tissue paper, ready for the more precious bits and pieces. I absolutely adore the handmade decorations from the children. They may not be the best looking and might find themselves further towards the back of the tree...but they were made with so much love and care! Wrap these carefully in your tissue paper or bubble wrap and put to bed for the year, smiling as you do it.

Wrap your delicate ornaments in tissue paper. Since these are more prone to breakage and damage, these should be stored at the top of the plastic tub. This was they won't be squashed by other decorations.

Do be sure not to overfill your tubs to avoid squishing! Pop the lid on and into storage they go!



Keep yourself dry and toasty warm whilst spending time in the great outdoors!


RUNUARY...5km every day of January for The Sussex Snowdrop Trust