Heal your household in super-quick time! The miracle lotion & ointment I believe every family needs...

So some of you may have seen via my Instagram stories this week that I had a bit of a skin-related disaster on Monday.

I went to my waxing appointment at my usual salon, for the exact same treatments that I have been having for many years, but for some reason during this appointment whilst having my eyebrows waxed I lost a lot of skin! It was very painful, quite raw and after asking to look in the mirror I realised, quite noticeable! The therapist was absolutely mortified bless her heart, and so apologetic.

Monday - immediately after

I got into the car and my first reaction was to call my Mum to ask her what to do - but of course my Mum is no longer around so I couldn’t reach out to her. My next thought was my husband Simon, but he was in his own car on his way to a business meeting with a colleague and I was sure they wouldn’t want to hear my eyebrow woes! After driving home I text Tish, who works for me on all things Ask Charlie and she told me to do as I always do, to share an honest and positive outlook on the experience that will hopefully benefit others!

Tuesday - after one day of Mumbo Jumbo application

So here I am, sharing the experience with you and telling you how, using two phenomenal remedies passed down to me from my Grandmother and Mother, I have almost completely healed the wounds in just 5 days.

Thursday - after one application of ointment Wednesday night

I absolutely swear by these two products and truly believe that every household should have them in their possession.

I do have to first mention that neither of these products are licensed - you can’t just go out and buy them. But I’ve spoken to both companies and they are happy for me to share. I shall provide details on how to get yourself some.

Friday - as if it never happened!


The ACU lotion is made of Arnica, Calendula and Urtica.

My Grandmother called this CBB Lotion as it is absolutely fantastic for cuts, burns and bruises. Simon calls this lotion ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ because at the beginning of our marriage he thought it was a load of nonsense… now he knows exactly what to do if any of the children hurt themselves - he reaches straight for the Mumbo Jumbo!

Simply pop a little to a piece of damp cotton wool, and apply to the affected skin as soon as possible. It was the first thing I did as soon as I got home from the salon.

If the cut or graze is dirty, give it a clean with antiseptic before putting it on.

Now I have to say, when you do first apply this it will sting a little, but I promise this subsides after a very short while and the benefits will astound you. The healing that this promotes is unrivalled in my opinion and I will never be without it.

I once badly burned myself pulling a tray from the Aga whilst in shorts and splashing hot oil all over my thighs - I covered the burn with this immediately but missed a section at the top. That missed section healed SO much slower than the area I had treated with this, scarred and I'm now left with a mark! I am a walking example of the lotion’s healing powers!

Get your bottle here:

ACU lotion

Dr Sharma’s Practice

01202 744717

Disclaimer: Not licensed products!


After a couple of days using the lotion above, the damaged dead skin was getting tight as the skin healed quickly underneath. I slathered this on all over my brow and lid, and Thursday morning the skin came away completely from one eye, and a half from the other.

I snipped the loose skin from the half-way piece, as the last thing you want to do is remove the skin before it is ready. Fast forward to today and the other half has come off, and I don’t think there is even a mark at all! In just 5 days it’s almost as if it never happened (which is great, as I’m catering for a huge drinks party this evening and didn’t want to look like a Wally!)!

My Grandmother swore by this ointment. It is a little like Elizabeth Arden’s 8 Hour Cream, filled with Chamomilla, Calendula, Hydrastis and Hamamelis. It’s completely multipurpose, we use it at home for anywhere that is sore, such as chapped lips. Archie was tongue-tied when he was born and couldn’t latch properly making it quite difficult for him to feed. The situation did cause quite a lot of damage to one of my nipples in particular, but my Mum swooped in to guide me and told me to apply some of this - it was healed in a blink.

Again I have to make it clear that this is not a licensed product, you will have to call the number below and speak to them to have it made up especially for you and they will answer any questions you may have. I phone up and tell them that’s it ‘Mother Tinkture’ and they make it up and get it straight into the post for me. I then decant it into little pots and keep one in the car, one in my handbag, one by my bed, one in the medicine cupboard and one in the bathroom!

Get your ointment here:

Call Nelson’s 0207 0791288

Ask for this in Mother Tinkture to be made up in an ointment


Disclaimer: Not licensed products!

So there we are, my top two healing secrets! I honestly think every family in the country should have them in their household, that really are phenomenal!



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