My guide to keeping warm whilst staying safe with a super-snuggly hot water bottle...

It’s really been getting quite cold outside this week, so my children have been thoroughly enjoying snuggling up to their hot water bottles in bed!

I bought their gorgeous hot water bottles from the Rare Brand Market in November. I was a stall-holder there and was lucky enough to meet the wonderful Jo’s Vintage Cashmere, who makes these beautiful pieces. My children’s hot water bottles had started to become a bit raggedy so I picked them up one each.

When Simon and I go out and have a babysitter for the children, I’ve been quite surprised by how many of them don’t actually know the proper (and safe!) way to fill up a hot water bottle. Since the temperature has dropped and you may be digging yours out now, I thought it was the perfect time to demonstrate the way I’ve always filled them up to avoid burns and spillages.

How to fill up your hot water bottle:

If yours has a hole on the outer rim, make sure that it is on the top rather than the bottom, so as you pour there’s no chance of the water falling though the hole and burning you.

Do NOT use just-boiled water - let the water sit for 5 mins before pouring it into the bottle.

Pour slowly. You don’t need masses of water! One of the biggest problems I’ve seen is hot water bottles filled to almost bursting, which can be so dangerous!

Let any air out. Very slowly push the air out so you can just about see the water at the mouth of the bottle, and screw the lid on securely.

Dry around the top using a tea towel.

Check the lid again to make sure that it is really secure and on tightly.

Your hot water bottle is ready to go! It’s not bulging with water, not boiling hot and not filled with air!

Do remember to check every now and then that the rubber is in good condition and hasn’t perished.

If you’re not keen on using hot water bottles, you can also buy great microwavable alternatives that can be scented with lavender, so fantastic if you have a tummy ache, bad back or are feeling a little under the weather.

An extra special tip:

I was chatting this morning with my friend Charlotte whilst clearing out the greenhouse and she said that a family tradition passed down through the generations is to pop a hot water bottle into their pyjamas or nightie! So you move from a lovely relaxing bath straight into nice warm pyjamas in bed - doesn’t that sound absolutely divine?! I used to run a lovely children’s sleepwear brand named Sleepy Cozy with Nina so most of the children’s pyjamas are from there, and I shall certainly be adopting this tradition for them from now on!



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