Writing my book, foraging and cooking with wild garlic in Devon

This week has been so lovely, filled with time for me, fun with the family and a productive visit to my childhood home in beautiful Devon.

It began with the most wonderful trip to the Sussex Writing Retreat, who I’m so thrilled that this week’s vlog is in collaboration with. I’ve wanted to write a book for years but what with running Ask Charlie, caring for my family, home and the b&bs I just haven’t’ been able to find the time! However, sometimes you do just need to give yourself permission to go for it, book that course, retreat or trip and just make the time!

It was an inspiring, incredible three days. I feel really grateful and blessed to have had the chance to focus on something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I came away from the experience feeling really excited. I didn’t know where to start and the course leaders just were so kind, giving me the confidence and inspiration to get it out of my mind and onto the page.

I’ve always been very under confident and unsure of myself, but the love and support in the tent was phenomenal! Everyone was fascinating, and it was so nice to get to know them all and hear their own stories.

Next up, we headed to my childhood home in Devon to breathe the fresh sea air, play in the fields, coo over the newborn lambs and calves and ensure that the farmhouse, cottage and folly are in ship shape!

We offer all three as holiday rentals over at www.brattonmill.com so I like to visit periodically to make sure everything is in order and give the place some loving care. They do get especially busy in Spring and Summer when the surroundings are at their absolute best, so it was the perfect time to give everything the once over. Now the windows are spick and span, some of the walls have a fresh coat of paint, and Budgie the wonderful painter/decorator will continue to get everywhere looking fab between guests! the grounds are looking beautiful and everything is in order! It’s always so hard to leave, though it brings me so much joy to see it enjoyed by other families. I know Mum would be so pleased to see it thriving too.

Whilst we were there, I had a good forage for the nearby Wild Garlic to make my famous Wild Garlic Butter - recipe below! If you can find some wild garlic, you have to try it. The taste and smell is unrivalled.

Wild Garlic Butter

8 wild garlic leaves approx.
1 pack of 250g butter softened
1 teaspoon of sea salt

Finely chop the wild garlic leaves.
Add the sea salt to the butter, squishing it with a fork.
Mix in the chopped wild garlic leaves.
Mix well and roll into a thick sausage shape.
Wrap in foil or clingfilm and freeze.
Once frozen chop the butter into rounds and use.

Particularly good on veg, steak, chicken… the options are endless!

If you’d like to stay at Bratton Mill, pop me an email via stay@brattonmill.com for 10% off until the end of April!

Do watch the vlog to join me, and don’t forget to like and subscribe!

Love, Charlie x


Two ways to cook with rhubarb on the Aga, and chatting about movies and trolls!


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