What to do when burn out strikes. Recognising it, taking care of yourself and protecting against it in the future...

This week I want to chat with you about looking after yourself, burnout, stress, exhaustion and anxiety.

I think this has been the most extraordinary time that any of us have ever gone through. Some people have had loads of time on their hands and perhaps too much time to 'think' - they're bored, lonely, anxious, stressed, or completely and utterly frazzled and overwhelmed. It has been just extraordinary and quite testing for each and every one of us.

I thought I would chat through some coping mechanisms, how to look after yourself and let you know that you're not alone! We're all feeling it right now.

I think burnout is something that we all need to be aware of. You might be a busy Mum juggling a million things and trying to keep on top of family life, you might not even have children and still be feeling burnt out, perhaps overwhelmed with work or something going on in your personal life. Whatever it might be, it's so important to take time for yourself.

Taking time for yourself could be getting outside and going for a walk, having an afternoon nap, or a lovely, relaxing bath and an early night. It might be that you need a holiday (who doesn't need a holiday!?). Perhaps it's as simple as just having your phone off for a little while and clocking out of communication for a moment!

Whatever your self-care my look like, my main message this week is that it is crucial.

If you are feeling really anxious, stressed and overwhelmed, it's important to get medical advice and to go and talk to somebody. Don't be scared. Just do it, because there is so much help out there. Whether it's talking to a therapist or going to your doctor and just chatting it through.

I've talked before about therapy and clinical hypnotherapy and how it has helped me enormously and taught me how to deal with things. I'm currently coping with quite a high level of stress but if I'm feeling overwhelmed, I just step outside. I have a moment. I think it through and I breathe. Concentrating on your breath helps - it breaks the chain of fight or flight and helps to calm you down. Sometimes I find myself physically tensing up and holding my breath, so I have to check in with myself and relieve that tension.

Sometimes, you simply need to let it all out and cry. Having a good cry can be helpful. Call a friend! Just take time to feel it and let it out.

I want to reiterate being kind to yourself. Burnout is a terrible thing, and it can take quite a long time to recover from. Read the signs and when you're feeling that you may be on the edge or that things are becoming overwhelming, just take your foot off the accelerator and have an early night. Perhaps don't get up early the next day to do that workout, or whatever it is that you would normally do. Listen to your body!

Let your friends know. Say to your friends and your loved ones, your husband/partner, whoever it might be, that you're feeling a little bit low at the moment, otherwise it can build and come out as quite an explosion. If you expect them to simply notice you're not fine whilst you're busy trying to maintain the 'I'm fine' appearance, you can become even more exhausted and even more stressed - it's a vicious cycle!

It happens to me, but I have learned to read the signs. Now I just say, "Darling, I'm really frazzled. I'm not coping. Can you help me out? Just be kind to me at the moment, I'm struggling."

Talk about it, share your feelings with people, call a girlfriend, call a family member, a parent, whoever it might be, please don't suffer on your own.

This has been the most extraordinary time that we have ever gone through. Be honest with people about how you're feeling.

I'm reaching out through my Ask Charlie platform because it's been really, really, really tough. I personally have never been as frazzled and our family holiday was very welcome. Before we left I laid the foundations that I spoke of above, was honest and said to my family "I might not be able to talk for the first few days. I'm not being funny with you, I'm not being off with you, I just need to take a little bit of time, catch my breath and recharge".

I hope that by filming this it has helped you in some way or other, but please remember there are so many avenues of help out there.

If you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed right now, go and have a hot bath or lie down, have an afternoon nap and don't feel guilty about it!

Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/

Mind: https://www.mind.org.uk/

Katherine Finn: https://www.kfhypnotherapist.co.uk/contact



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