What I keep inside my handbag! A sneak peek into my everyday essentials...

This week we’re delving right into my everyday handbags and taking an in-depth look at the things I can’t live without when out and about!

We’re talking emergency supplies, critter removers and my love for lipglosses! I absolutely love to be prepared and ready for most situations so I do always have my trusty essentials pouch, filled with bits and pieces which come in handy more times than you’d think.

Let’s dive in!

Large Handbag

My large handbag is from Gift Pop Boutique and I completely adore it, in fact so much so that I have it in two colours! I have it in white for Spring/Summer and Rose Gold for Autumn/Winter.

These bags work with everything, and I find them so functional. Not only do they look great and fit everything I need inside, they are also wipeable so I can remove most marks and spills in a flash!

They also feature interchangeable straps and a super handy little detachable pouch inside that I use when travelling to carry my can’t-live-withouts. It’s such a fantastic handbag.

Inside my large handbag I carry:

  • Sunglasses - inside the case! It takes 5 seconds and is so worth it to avoid unsightly scratches

  • Suncream - Factor 30 always

  • Wallet

  • Juno Hand Cream - discovered at the Country Brocante

  • Ask Charlie Meal Planner

  • Tissues

Essentials Pouch

The children do laugh at me, but I was a Girl Guide and I just love to be prepared! So I have an essentials pouch that I carry around with me everywhere. The contents do change seasonally, and it moves between my larger handbags. If I’m using my smaller handbag I will leave it in the car but it’s always close by! I have a more comprehensive first aid version in my car, and one in Sigh’s car too - I told you I was prepared! 

Inside my essentials pouch I always carry:

  • Nail file

  • Hairbrush with hairband on it

  • Selection of different sized plasters

  • Paracetamol

  • Antiseptic wipe

  • Bite & Sting cream

  • Calpol & Syringe

  • Arnica

  • Bonjela

  • Pen

  • 3 x lip glosses and salves - Burt’s Bees for the children, Christian Dior Lip Maximiser & Bobbi Brown in Nougat for me!

  • Tic Removers - Archie had Lymes disease so I’m quite paranoid and the dogs are forever getting tics

  • Safety Pin - useful for all sorts but so handy for splinters etc!

Smaller Handbag

This is another one that I absolutely love from Gift Pop Boutique. It’s the most perfect size for when you’re on the go, has great little compartments and you can change the straps so it’s very customisable! 

Inside my smaller handbag we have:

  • Cards - if not taking wallet

  • Car keys

  • Masks

  • Lip Gloss

  • Sweets - *just* in case the children need a little cajoling!

  • Perfume - Jo Malone’s English Pear & Freesia

I hope you’ve enjoyed delving into my handbags! Do you have anything in yours that you can’t live without?! 



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