Strong starts to the day! The ways in which I prepare myself for busy days ahead...

2020 has started! I do hope you are all feeling ready and raring for this new year and fresh new decade.

I don’t ever set new year resolutions for myself. I think it can be really negative and disheartening if you make a plan to stop this or start that and don’t achieve it, therefore actually having the completely opposite effect.

I do, however, think it’s really important to set goals and have targets and things to aim for, work towards and strive to achieve.

I believe this to be a much more positive way to begin a new year as apposed to setting New Year's resolutions.

I thought today I would chat through my morning and how I start my day, in the hope that it inspires you to set a goal to have your very own strong starts.

Morning Workout

Now those who have been following me for a while will know that most mornings I start with a workout. I have been doing it for 3 years and honestly have found it life-changing.

I remember reading an interview with the Creative Founder of The House of Bruar cashmere company, and she said that she started her day with a workout or a run. I honestly thought it was bonkers. Fast forward 5 or 6 years and now I totally get it and often think back to that very same interview.

A few years ago I broke my leg very badly, I also have a muscle condition that has caused me endless problems throughout my entire life. It really has been a real problem. Exercise has totally changed that.

The busier I am, if I start my day with a workout I have a far more productive day and find I have got the energy and the strength to get through it.

I was also watching I’m A Celebrity and saw that Kate Garraway’s aim for 2020 was to get strong and I found this really resonated.

For me it’s not about looking great or having a six-pack, it’s just about having strength and energy and being pain-free.

So, five days a week I start with a workout. HIIT on a Monday, lower body on a Tuesday, core on a Wednesday, upper body on a Thursday and then HIIT again on a Friday.

Programme-wise, I am a massive fan of Leigh Linton’s Ultimate Shred. The results are second to none and I have never injured myself since she is so particular about how you perform every exercise. Within the academy there is so much variety that you just don’t get bored, and you can pick from a 12-week programme, 8 weeks programme or other bits and pieces to best suit your circumstances and goals.

I can honestly say that waking up and making this change to my daily routine has fundamentally changed my life.

I always lay out my work out clothes the night before. Then I simply get up and crack on. I whizz downstairs and make myself a matcha (Leigh’s own - which tastes so much nicer than other brands and the tub lasts ages!). I just pop it into a water bottle and swig it whilst I workout.

Once that is done, I either go and do the animals, sort the children ready for school or take some me time to shower and prepare the rest of the day ahead.


I love my homemade granola. I am not ashamed to admit I take it on holiday with me, I take it to friend houses…you name it. I just adore the taste and more importantly, I know what’s in it! There are no hidden nasties!

I have it with a nice big scoop of Fage Totally yoghurt, always full fat. I am a big believer in full fat and that if you want to diet or lose weight you should be sticking with full fat. Not only does our body actually need fat, but so many of the low-fat versions you can find on the shelves nowadays also have so many additives and hidden nasties.

So a nice scoop of yoghurt, some granola and some lovely berries - fresh or frozen!


This is a great breakfast for on the go or a mid-morning snack and I turn to it regularly.

It takes moments to make and you can adapt to your liking with many, many other ingredients, from fruit and nuts to veggies and even protein powder for after working out!

You will need:

Nutribullet or similar

Blackberries (I pick mine from the hedgerows whilst in season and freeze them up!)

Bananas (again, I make little bags of frozen bananas if I have any that are ever so slightly past their best!)



All all of your ingredients to your blender and blitz! Use the water to loosen it all up if it’s a little thick. Adjust flavours to your liking and really make it your own!


Lastly, I believe that another good way to start your day is to take some time for yourself. Just pop a little time aside for a walk outside, a little stretch, some yoga or meditation.

I adore the app Headspace for meditation. It is a fantastic app for really taking a moment and getting time to reflect and recharge.

Having a mindful moment is a great way to kickstart your day with intention and a healthy mindset - rather than jumping straight into working/picking up your phone/dealing with jobs.

Just get up a little earlier and have that time for you and you only! It’s utter bliss!

I hope that my tips inspire you to be kind to yourself in 2020, and I wish you a happy and healthy new year!



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