Settling In: Shepherd’s Hut Arrival, Furniture Moving, and a New Kitchen Floor (Moving This Week!)

It's been quite a week! The Shepherd’s Hut has finally arrived, and that’s super exciting. We've made some great progress with getting it ready for use, transported it over to it’s final resting place and now I cannot wait for it to be enjoyed!

Coco has been having an absolute blast at Pony Club camp. She’s loved every minute of it, and it’s been so wonderful to see her so happy and engaged. She’s been doing so well, and is completely exhausted by the end of the day but in the best way possible—happy and fulfilled!

On the home front, I’m thrilled to share that we finally have our new kitchen floor installed, and it’s made such a difference. The flooring came from Luxury Flooring, and I’m so pleased with how it turned out! It’s a sleek, modern design that really brightens up the space. Now that the floor is in, it feels like we’re one step closer to making the house truly feel like home. I can’t wait to get the kitchen table in there and start enjoying the space properly, even if we’re still waiting on a few other essentials!

Moving has been intense but rewarding. There have been some hiccups along the way, to say the least, but we’re handling it and we’re handling it together.

Through all this, I’ve been focusing on staying positive. Despite the chaos, the new house is shaping up, furniture is making its way over and it’s really starting to feel cosy. It’s been a lot of work, but seeing everything come together is incredibly rewarding.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement - your messages have truly kept me going! I hope to share a more settled update next week, hopefully with a glass of wine in hand and a bit more order restored. See you then!

Love, Charlie x



Bemz Sofa Covers -

Victorious Beings Eyewear - (ad/aff link)

Luxury Flooring -


How To Start a Container Kitchen Garden (Planting Vegetables & Herbs)


How To Tackle a Chaotic Airing Cupboard (Mid-Move Organisation)