Say goodbye to bobbles! My secret to bobble-free knitwear...

Here comes the chill! With it brings the chance to wear our snuggliest, most comfortable clothing.

This does also mean though, that it's time to bust your bobbles! I find they get particularly bad under the armpits and down our sides, where the most friction comes from our daily movements.

Arm yourself with one of these though and you'll be set for the season. They are my secret weapons! My trusty Bobble Buster (you can find one here) and cashmere comb (find it here).

Ensure that you pull your fabric tight, then simply run the comb over in small straight lines to catch all your little bobbles and excess fluff that's making it's way to bobble-dom. Alternatively, pop your battery-powered Bobble Buster over the areas to capture them all that way!

Happy bobble busting!

Love, Charlie x


Putting Billy to bed! How we put our family tortoise Billy into a safe hibernation...


Set yourself up for the day with my homemade granola!