Packing for a mini break, staying safe in a city and how I run Ask Charlie!
This week I thought I’d bring you along to Barcelona with me for 2 nights!
It was a real whirlwind trip to one of my very favourite cities, filled with nostalgia, feasts for the eyes (and bellies!) and tonnes of excitement!
This trip was very much touch and go. Simon was travelling there for the Barcelona Seafood Show and asked me months ago if I’d care to join him, knowing that it really holds a very special place in my heart.
It wasn’t until about half an hour before leaving that I decided to go for it, so some quick packing skills were required! Gus has just started at his new school and Arch has had quite a difficult time, so until I knew the children were absolutely okay and settled I didn’t want to say a definite yes or no to joining him.
Barcelona and I share many memories, it’s a city that I knew well as a child and all through my teens. As a family we had many connections through the generations, particularly with one family, however sadly I did lose touch with them over the years. I still have some of Mum’s paperwork to organise in Devon, so I’m crossing everything that an address or means of communicating them is in there somewhere! I’m hoping to visit again next year so there’s still hope!

Whilst in Barcelona I embarked on as much sightseeing as I could, and visited the incredible Sagrada Familia, a Gaudi masterpiece, as well as his other works of art around the city. The architecture of Barcelona is unrivalled, I spent so much of the time walking around just in awe of it all. Even the Zara Home looked like a Picasso exhibition, it was so beautifully merchandised! I couldn’t resist a spot of shopping of course!
I also have a little chat about how I run Ask Charlie to ensure my family and loved ones receive the time they deserve, with the help of my team of two, Viktoria and Tish. Outsourcing is something I have always endorsed if it’s at all possible - we only have so many hours in the day and finding a work/life balance is so so important. With the help of these two incredible women, I get to create all of my content and distribute it to you without jeopardising time with my loved ones.
Lastly, I speak a little about safety and security in busy cities. I show you exactly how I pack a bag to protect against pickpockets as best you can, especially when exploring a city alone. As with all places, you do have to keep your wits about you and stay safe.
Where we stayed:
El Palace Hotel
Truly a stunning hotel, with a spa, rooftop pool and terrace, and magnificent decor. Staff are divine and service is second to none. A real recommendation! We shall certainly be back.
Travel outfit:
Dress - AD Gifted - 'Fleur' dress in blue -
Belt - Amazon
Shoes - Superga
Navy Cardi - Vintage
Socks - Snocks 'No-show' socks via Amazon
Dinner Outfit:
All past season!
Jacket - Zara
Silk Cami - Pure Collection
Trousers - Benetton
Shoes - LK Bennett
Clutch bag- Jigsaw
Watch - Michael Kors
Day One Morning Outfit:
Trousers - Stepping Out Boutique -
Belt - - use code ASKCHARLIE for 10% off
T-shirt - Polo Ralph Lauren
Trainers - Superga
Crossbody bag - Gift Pop Boutique -
Large basket bag - Henrietta Spencer -
New Dress - Max & Co -
Belt - El Corte Inglas -
Max & Co -
I hope you enjoyed coming along with us this week, do share, hit like on the video and don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss a thing!
Love, Charlie x