Neat, tidy and secure! How to tie the perfect tie...

My Father called this knot an ‘Air-Force knot’ and it’s the one he taught me when I was a little girl.

It gives a lovely, neat, good-sized and secure knot that doesn’t slip and stays right as it should.

Pop the tie around the neck. Ties normally feature a very helpful seam that shows where the starting point of the knot should be, so find this seam and work from there.

Situate it so that the wider end is longer than the thin end when resting on the chest.

Wrap the thicker end of the tie behind the thinner end, then pass down through the hole, against the neck.

Then bring wider end of the tie around the front and wrap it right around the shorter end.

Now, pull the wider end back through the middle in the same action as above, but reversed.

Then, poke the wider end down through the hole created within the knot.

Give it a squeeze and pinch, pull the shorter end down and give a little adjustment if need be.



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