My Fitness Journey - from an osteoporosis diagnosis to my life-changing discovery of The Ultimate Shred!

I get a lot of questions about why I workout and what workout program I do.

I have been doing The Ultimate Shred with Leigh Linton for the past 2 years and I absolutely love it. It has massively changed my life!

In my early twenties I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and went to see a specialist. I told him that my party trick was lying on my tummy and putting my heels on my chin…he promptly diagnosed me with extreme hypermobility. However, he never told me that I needed to really concentrate on strengthening and conditioning exercises which is really important for somebody that's hyper mobile. 

Many top athletes are hypermobile and it does actually give you a winning edge if it's managed in the right way, unfortunately mine wasn't and I had gone undiagnosed for a long time. 

My problems started when I was about 12 or 13. I had a lot of lower back problems and was constantly seeing back specialists to have X-Rays, MRI scans, you name it. Ultimately, I was put on bed rest. 

Unfortunately this was the worst thing they could have done for me. Between the ages of 14 and 18 are really crucial years for forming your bone density, which is obviously when I developed osteoporosis. 

I missed out on all team sports which was really, really tough at school. Riding was my great passion and I had to stop. Thankfully, a year or so later I discovered that I could ride side saddle. When you are side saddle, your pelvis is closed and you use your core muscles, which was perfect for me. 

Unfortunately I had a few nasty breaks. Four years ago. I broke my shoulder blade (my scapula) very badly, and a year afterward, I broke my leg. I had to have 3 operations and was in and out of a wheelchair for a year.

I worked with a phenomenal physio who advised me to change my lifestyle, get fit, get strong and join a gym. But for us in Sussex joining a gym wasn't so easy - especially since the nearest one is 25 minutes in the wrong direction from the school run. I needed something that was easy and could be done from home!

That's when I discovered The Ultimate Shred.

We'd just got back from a holiday, and the children had told me that I had a jelly tummy and a wobbly bottom….so I needed to really address the situation! Whilst browsing on Facebook one day, a little video about The Ultimate Shred popped up. I watched it, liked what I heard and signed myself up. 

I had tried a couple of other workout programs but they hadn't been for me, I ended up injuring myself and having to get back up to the osteopath. 

What is amazing about The Ultimate Shred is that Leigh breaks down every exercise - the technique, how to do it and how not to do it. For me this was just brilliant because I didn't injure myself. Leigh warms you up, you do the work out, and then she cools you down. 

It's actually as though she's in the room with you, which is brilliant. I love it - and she is so good at motivating you! 

The Ultimate Shred is a 12-week program. You can also move onto the next level, and join the new Shred Academy which gives you access to absolutely everything and live Facebook sessions. There are also great meal plans filled with deliciously healthy meals that perfectly compliment your workouts!

For me, it was all about getting fit and strong. And it certainly has done that. I started by not being about to do one burpee, and at a push five mountain climbers. Now I can do two hundred in a row which is incredible! 

It really has been a complete game changer for me, I can carry heavy objects and just feel strong. After being told I would never run again when I broke my leg, I ran 10k last year in a respectable time in my first ever race which I enjoyed massively.

I've taken part in some totally wonderful boot camps in Spain with Leigh and her friend and business partner Sophie Steel which I really thoroughly enjoyed.

There's a brilliant support network and community on Facebook within The Shred Academy group, where everybody motivates one another within this brilliant, brilliant programme. I cannot recommend The Shred Academy highly enough and am thankful every day for discovering it!



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