Introducing the Ask Charlie Weekly Meal Planner & Shopping List...

This week I am super excited to introduce my Ask Charlie Weekly Meal Guide & Planner!

The idea came from chatting to a girlfriend at a birthday party, she was complaining that there was no product out there to keep track of your meals throughout the year, most are whiteboard or rip out and throw away!

So here we have the Ask Charlie Meal Guide & Planner! It has been a real labour of love and I have tried to make it as helpful as possible for you.

It isn’t just for families, it’s for everyone who is interested in planning their weekly meals weeks or even months in advance, keeping a track of your shopping lists and spending, and having the ability to take a look back at your meals! That way you can really see what went down well, what worked and what didn’t and reuse recipes if you wish.

There are 52 sections each containing:

  • Weekly meal planner

  • Notes on the back

  • Shopping list with supermarket sections

  • Total spend section

The shopping list can be torn out of left in - I’ve purposely made it handbag size so it’s easy to carry around!

If you take just a little time on the weekend to sit down with your favourite recipe books and plan the coming week’s meals, create your shopping list and prepare the budget I really believe you’ll have a much less stressful week.

You can even keep the planner on a rotation and plan your month in advance, copying the same the next month with a few tweaks here and there if need be (you’ll know what worked and what didn’t from your notes!).

Right at the front, I’ve also included two Freezer Diaries so you can have a stocktake of your freezer once every 6 months so you know exactly what is in there.

There are also the Helpful Tips from my Family Meal Guide and Planner in there to help further - along with the Weekly Meal Plan from the guide too to give you an example of how to use the grid!

I hope that you all have as much fun using it as I did making it and truly find it helpful - thank you so much for all of your support as always! On to the next project!!!



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