Cut down on your ironing! Try this brilliant tumble dryer hack to keep your laundry crisp and creaseless...

This week we’re talking laundry!

We do tend to accumulate quite a lot of washing between us. There are 5 people in this household after all! So I have quite a lot of experience in the area and have accumulated lots of little hacks, tips and tricks over the years! This tumble dryer hack is one of my favourites for saving time and minimising effort. 

I’ve created best practice ironing videos for you before in a previous blog post so do hop on over to have a read of that if you’re interested and check out the Household category of my menu for lots more - but today we’re talking all about how to potentially avoid ironing!

So, the trick is to pop your items into the tumble dryer, on low heat, for 5 minutes or so. Only tumble in small batches for maximum efficiency! If you pop too much in at once, they will still crease. 

Once the small batches have had a whizz around at low for five minutes, whip the pieces out as soon as the cycle has finished, and fold neatly immediately. 

Don’t let the items sit in the tumble dryer after it’s finished or they will just crease again!

For putting the laundry away, I like to make sure each piece is the right way round (I do encourage the children to turn them the right way when they pop clothes into the wash, but some inevitably slip the net!) fold them up and get them ready to put away. 

I worked at Ralph Lauren a few years back and we had training on how to fold, the skill has never left me! With shirts you simply place front down, fold one side into the middle, fold the sleeve back on itself until laying flat, do the same with the other side and then fold in half or thirds depending on the depth or size of your drawers.

With socks, I pair them together as I find them and pop them into their correct piles, one pile per family member. This whole process is so much easier since I discovered School Sox! They are all named, so I know whose is whose and can whizz through the pairing! 

Other advice I have for tackling your laundry is to never let the mountain get too big. It can get very overwhelming and becomes much more of a chore! Try to keep on top of it and it won’t ever get the better of you! 

Sorting the laundry can be very tedious. I like to sort the laundry in the kitchen area as thankfully we have a television up on the wall for me to watch as I do it. I either pop an easy-watch on, or find a great podcast to listen to that allows me to get right into the zone! 

I do like to fold and sort on top of my ironing board as it’s the perfect height and protects against straining your back and shoulders. It also means you can reach for the iron if you come across something that just needs that little helping hand, such as a crisp shirt. I like to keep the iron on and waiting by my side just in case. I can highly recommend Tefal’s steam irons, I adore mine, it does such a great job!

So there we have it! A quick tumble and an immediate fold saves so much time! 

Do you have any favourite laundry tips and tricks?



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