Coping through the crisis... My worry-management practice, daily routine & how we're navigating our way through this together as a family.

We are all facing hugely challenging times. And we are all going through it together.

I wanted to chat to you about how we’re navigating through it, in the hope that it might be helpful for some of you.

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Simon has a fish business, supplying restaurants with fish from around the world. Obviously with the closures that has all stopped. I have holiday lets and b&bs, that has also all stopped. So not only do we have this almighty worry about the virus itself, but the financial worry too.

That said, constantly worrying isn’t helping me or my family. I was very stressed and found myself snapping at the children. So I have created a sort of ‘worry box’ inside my head, with the lid firmly closed on top for now and I don’t go to it very often. Once we’re through to the other end of this, I can start delving into the box and taking bits out to deal with them as and when I can.

I’ve accepted that we have to ride this out as best we can, and that we are not directly in control of the bigger picture. We are, however, in control of how we react to it all.

So I’ve found it very helpful to have routine and structure to our days. Starting with a workout.

Exercise has been a saviour for me in so many ways over the past few years, it keeps me sane, fit and healthy and means that come the end of the day I am so exhausted that I have a great nights sleep.

Exercise is followed by breakfast, after which Sigh takes the children on a bike ride or dog walk, or they take part in PE with Joe wicks.

I know we are really lucky to live where we do and am eternally grateful for that. If you are struggling a little with activities for the children I really do recommend making use of all of the free online content that you can - there are some fantastic content creators out there coming up with the most wonderful ideas.

From 10 am-12 pm we have school work catch up. We actually self-isolated for a week before the school officially closed, so although the children should be on Easter break right now, we’re continuing with their schooling to ensure everything is up to date.

This schoolwork tends to consist of computer maths programs, French or touch-typing and reading or writing letters.

As long as the children don’t need my help, I can do a little bit of work on Ask Charlie whilst the children are doing their schooling. I also take this time to deal with bookings that have cancelled.

Next up the children and I all have lunch together at about 12:30. Simon is at the office alone from 10 am -7/8 pm most days as the internet is much faster there!

After lunch, it’s tech time. This is when the children can watch TV, chat with their friends or play outside. I use this time to get stuck into my cleaning, laundry and general housework using my Ask Charlie Cleaning Schedule. If I do it every day, it doesn’t pile up and become a huge task a little later down the line!

Then I’ll try and get outside with the children, for a bit of gardening or a nice walk.

From 6 pm, whilst I’m getting supper ready, we have quiet time.

I do find that if the children have too much time on tech they get a bit wired, so I’m trying to encourage them to sit on the sofa and read a book and have a bit of quiet time before Sigh gets back.

We all eat supper together before we start preparing for bed. I think it’s important for the children to wind down before bedtime, so whilst I am letting them see the news, at the same time I don’t want them to hear too much to reduce any anxieties they may be feeling. I am trying to monitor their intake, so whilst I appreciate they need to be aware of what is going on, I want to keep them as calm, level and positive as possible.

So, when they go to bed each day I ask them for 3 things that they are grateful for from that day. It is such a nice way for them to focus on the positives. The other night Archie said he was grateful for Granny because Granny taught me how to cook and we were having lots of lovely food. I will never forget that moment, it was so special.

Then I start to wind down. I am trying to avoid the 10 o clock news as I don’t find it helps me sleep at all and it can add to that hidden worry box. So I have been listening to podcasts and finding them very helpful in keeping me level headed and positive.

I think the most important thing to remember is that we are all navigating our way through this together, taking each day as it comes.

I hope that in sharing this with you it’s been a little helpful. This weekend’s weather is supposed to be glorious so I do hope you manage to enjoy a little sunshine,

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Sending love and well wishes,


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