Back to school! New beginnings are fast approaching...let's all get prepared!

September is fast approaching and with all the new starts happening I thought it would be the perfect time to share my Back To School guide with you!

September to me seems to be the start of so many things, whether it's starting school for the first time, starting high school, starting university, moving into a new class or even starting a new job.

I think it's really important to be organized for back to school. You can be lulled into a false sense of security during the summer holidays. You could have been having a blissful time, relaxing and enjoying yourselves or have had quite a hectic time juggling all sorts of things with work and family life. You might be keen for your children to get back to school so you can get back into a routine and back to normality or, you might be feeling anxious.

They might be starting school for the first time, they might even be starting a new school. Firstly, I think it's really important that we give our children confidence and show them that it's all going to be fine. I think we can easily transfer our anxiety onto our children. I've always tried to be positive about it and say things like, "she's a really lovely teacher" or "she's kind and you'll be seeing your friends" and they focus on those things.

One thing that's so important when you pick your children up after that first day, is not to tell them how awful it's been without them because that's passing on such a negative feeling to them about school. You want to be positive and say, yes, it was very quiet without you, but I'm thrilled you had a great day. Even if inside you're thinking, oh goodness they're growing up!

I think that's something really to make sure that you pass onto your children, positivity and confidence.

Now moving on to the routine. In the summer holidays, we have had later bedtimes, lots of treats and all sorts of things. The children have been laying in later in the morning and so rather than it being a ghastly shock at the start of term, ease them back in gently. I think with younger children you need to start doing this quite early. If your children are 10 plus, then you need to start introducing those early nights a few days before the term starts. But if they are young, particularly starting school for the first time, help them to have earlier nights for a good week before they go back to school. Regardless of age, introduce this at least five days before the beginning of term and just get them back into that routine.

Don't forget that young children get so exhausted! During the first autumn term, it's tough. It starts to get dark earlier and children will be wiped out. I really don't recommend doing too many after school activities. Your child will be getting tired and we have to remember they have had a new start whether it's a new school or whether it's just going up a year. There's a massive jump from year three to year four for example.

Do be aware, don't book them in for loads of after school activities because they do get really tired. Monitor that carefully and be sensitive to it.

Now for the other things! Start prepping the materials for the new start now! The uniform, shoes, trainers, sports kit bags, bottles, you name it, start doing it now.

This is why I've decided to create this guide and list now as it is a crucial time! It's mid-August, but September is coming around so quickly and things can be out of stock. So go and get your children's school shoes and trainers if you haven't done already and get them prepped accordingly! I love the shoe labels that you can stick inside. I find those really useful and I put those in all their shoes and all their trainers.

When naming school uniform or items, don't forget to show your children where you've labelled it. I love name taping and I did a blog post with a Youtube video back in June about where and how I place the name tapes including tips on colour coding them to differentiate between different children's items at a glance!

I have also got something very exciting to share with you! I have teamed up with who sell personalised socks and the product is such a clever, clever idea. They've kindly offered 20% discount on all of their socks for any Ask Charlie followers - simply use the code ASK20 when you order any socks. They have long socks, short socks, sports socks, you name it, which is just such a brilliant idea!

If you would like to download my printable Back To School Guide and List, simply CLICK HERE and pop your name and email address into the boxes! It should land into your inboxes shortly after.

I do hope you find it useful! And do you keep an eye out because next week, I'll also be releasing my five time-saving tips as a free download for you as well! Just keep an eye on my social channels, and don't forget to subscribe for the notifications!



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