All sorts for you from ironing a super king fitted sheet to advice from our eldest about teenagers
This week’s vlog has a mixture of themes, from hosting bonfire bonanzas and creating some yummy treats, to talking about TikTok and a very insightful discussion with our eldest Archie.
Starting with the preparations for our now annual bonfire and fireworks party, I began by preparing a large gammon to feed the crowds! Well over 70 people ended up joining us at home, and so along with gammon rolls and hot dogs, I also whipped up some of my chocolate fridge bites with a yummy twist of Maltesers and mini marshmallows!
Download and print the recipes by clicking below:
I also talk a little about my foray into TikTok, which has been both nerve-wracking but also quite fun. Whilst getting to grips with the platform and putting myself out there even further, I’ve really tested my ability to stretch outside of my comfort zone.
I’ve had some quite nasty comments, but they’ve been completely outweighed by the positive ones. And do you know what, I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea and that is totally fine! There is always an Unfollow button. A few years ago the comments would have hurt, but I look at online spaces in a totally different way now - I’ll find my people on there and they’ll find me! This Instagram account and the community we’ve built around it is an absolute testament to that.

I then show you my newest bit of household kit, my Tefal Express Anti-Calc Iron… you know how much I love ironing so this is an absolute treat for me! I put hours of research into finding the best one for me and my needs, and so far I’m finding it fabulous. I’ll link it down below and feature it on my Amazon Storefront.
Lastly, and I think most importantly, I also run you through one of the most insightful and valuable conversations I’ve had with our eldest, Archie. I am so pleased he chose to impart his teenage wisdom on us, and his comments are very thought-provoking. Do listen along as I talk you through his thoughts and feelings towards teenage life, parenting styles and how we can all work together as a team to ensure happiness from all sides!
Love, Charlie x
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