Why I don’t believe in diets or scales!

This week, I thought I'd sit and chat about why I don't believe in diets or scales.

Let me first start by saying I am not an expert at all, this is all knowledge gained through my own experiences of nutrition and health. I have done courses in nutrition and have been cooking and catering for over 22 years, so I do know quite a lot about food and best practices.

I get asked so often, "Charlie, how do you eat what you do and stay so slim?", and the answers for me are simple. Be sensible, eat seasonal, nutritious, food that's as close to how nature intended it as possible, and keep active.

I have quite strong opinions to never diet and to just get rid of the bathroom scales. Try not to look at food in a negative way, which of course happens when you put yourself onto a restriction-based diet.

Watch this week's video to learn how I suggest changing your mindset, getting up and about, and nurturing your relationship with food rather than looking at it in a negative light.

Love, Charlie x


Come join me for the weekend!


Vlog ~ come skiing with us and a Q&A