Tackling anxiety, worry and sleepless nights with your children. Here's my tried and tested bedtime relaxation routine to help them gently fall asleep...

I know this looks very random! But here I am with Big Bear to share with you my ultimate bedtime relaxation routine for children during these times of potentially heightened worry and anxiety.

I think children go through periods where their mind is super active. Exterior things can be going on (as we well know at the moment) and this can create a vicious circle of broken or little sleep, creating more anxiety and worry. Children have lots on their mind already and can find it hard to switch off.

One of my children was having real trouble sleeping the other week, and I immediately thought back to Mum and how she would settle me in the evenings by using the same relaxation routine. I have three children very close in age, so this technique was something I relied upon all the time to ensure we all had enough sleep! The bonus is, by doing it you do actually receive a type of relaxation yourself in the process too!

Here’s what we do:

Make sure the room is dark and quiet.

In a very gentle, soft and quietened voice ask your child to close their eyes.

Tell them to imagine that you’re walking hand in hand along a sandy beach together (if they’re too young to walk, you could ask them to imagine you carrying them).

They can feel the warm sun on their backs, the wind on their face. They can hear the waves and feel the water gently lapping up onto their toes.

Once you’ve set the scene, ask them to count their footprints in the sand with you, and begin counting up from 1.

I normally get to about 30 footprints, and they’re showing signs of dropping off. They might have gone completely already, but you’ll know when they’re on their way! This is when you very gently stand up, and slowly make your way to the door. Don’t stop counting! Stand at the door and keep going until you’re sure they’ve gone off.

And you’re away!

This practice helps to get your child into a deeper sense of relaxation. I suppose it is almost like gentle hypnotism! I promise you though if you talk gently, calmly and softly, it could work wonders for you as it always has for me.

I hope that is useful! Do get in touch if you have any questions, I’m happy to help if I can! I’m definitely not a sleep expert, but I am fascinated by sleep routines so happy to help where I can!



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