Spring Clean With Me

During this week’s vlog, my home was flooded by the most beautiful light. It made me want to fling the windows and doors open wide and get spring cleaning!

It is still bitterly cold, however, so instead I thought I’d make a start on the garden room rather than go full throttle. That can wait until the weather is warmer so I can let the glorious fresh spring air in without losing all of our heat!

In this week’s video, I’m inviting you along with me as I blitz the garden room. As always, I start from the top down and in a clockwise, logical and methodical way – you’ll see why! I find cleaning to be quite meditative, giving you space and time to be with your thoughts and clear your mind as well as your environment. It can be so good for the soul and a welcome distraction from the many stressors of the world.

If you’re after the ultimate inspiration and help with cleaning organisation, check out my Cleaning Guide & Schedule, available as a digital download within my online store. It covers all of my top tips and tricks, plus daily, weekly, monthly and even annual cleaning schedules! Your household will be shipshape in no time and it’ll never get on top of you again.

Do you find cleaning to be therapeutic, or is it just me?!
Charlie x


Q&A and heart to heart


Come join me for the weekend!