How to pack a first aid travel kit

Welcome to this week's Ask Charlie and the latest of my How-tos.

Today, I want to share with you what I consider essential items for a first-aid travel kit and how I pack them ready for holidays with the family.

As someone who believes in being prepared (once a Girl Guide always a Girl Guide!) I tend to pack more than I actually need, but it gives me peace of mind.

Here are some of the top items I include in my first aid kit:

To receive the full list, join my mailing list below and you’ll have a printable version emailed directly to you.

I hope this list helps you prepare your own first-aid travel kit, however, do remember to customise it based on your specific needs and destination!

For more information on what I keep in my medical cupboard at home, click the link below:

Happy travels!

Love, Charlie x


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