How to have an eco-friendly spring clean with Join Handcrafted London...

Jen makes all of the Join products herself in her workshop in Suffolk. I absolutely love the eco-friendly essential oil multipurpose cleaner. You all know I love cleaning, and I love cleaning products. This cleaner is particularly great because it's multipurpose and antibacterial, and so you can use it in loads of different places and you don't need lots of different products!

Those that have done my Efficient Home course and the cleaning section will know that I'm pretty obsessed with Fairy Liquid and using that in multiple ways, and this is similar. It's got essential oils in, mainly rosemary, and it smells incredible. Not only that, if you have skin allergies or eczema or things like that, this isn't going to irritate it. 

Another plus is that it's got a really soothing smell. It's really calming and so good if you've got a headache, I find it helps to relieve tension and stress - even whilst cleaning! The smell is just incredible.

I'm going to be showing you how I use this product in different ways as a multi-purpose product. I'm also throwing in a few other tips and tricks that I have learned along the way because I know you guys love my cleaning tips! The video accompanying this blog post also gives you a little behind the scenes of the mixing at Join Handcrafted London too so do give it a watch!

I'm a massive fan of essential oils, they can be used in so many different ways and have got so many different benefits. If the children are a bit overtired, I just put a little drop of lavender on their pillow and they're sure to get a better night's sleep. I also use lavender in my washing machine to give everything a gorgeous scent. I use tea tree oil for all sorts of different things, and so it was really lovely to chat with Jen about how she uses essential oils in her business and all the different benefits I was unaware of!

Now the children are back at school, I'm really enjoying getting on top of the housework, getting everything in order, and having a really good, thorough spring clean! Inside their music room, once I've dusted I like to use the multipurpose spray on the mirrors to give them a good shine. I then use the same cloth to give all of my quick pictures a quick wipe over. It's really important that you don't put spray directly onto your pictures because it can run down and damage your photo. 

I've discovered that a little of the product goes a long way. I've also been talking to Jen about how best to use it. You can use it on a dry cloth, or you can use it on a slightly damp cloth. She also said it's better to spray it onto the cloth, and that way it also goes a lot further too!

I like to use it to give the dining table a good wipe down. I also find, with children, it's really important to get the sides of the table because sticky fingers get round there too.


I'm going to tell you a hack that I have recently learnt. I haven't done our shower screen for a little while and there are really bad watermarks, so I thought I would give this a whirl and show you guys how it works a treat.

Get yourself a damp scouring sponge, and squeeze quite a lot of lemon juice onto it. Next up, sprinkle on some bicarb. The bicarb fizzes with the lemon juice, and creates a paste.

Using the scouring sponge, give the whole screen a good once over.

Leave that whilst you the bath. I'm going to use the Join multipurpose cleaner. I spray it on directly onto the bath and then use a Minky sponge with some hot water to give it a clean. The great thing about using natural products is I don't feel like I need to wear rubber gloves. When you're using chemicals however, I definitely want to wear gloves for protection.

It's very important to pay particular attention to your plug holes and make sure that they're clean. If you can see hair in it, then use a plughole unblocking tool to clean it out. By using one of these, you don't need to use drainer blockers because this does a wonderful job.

Once you’ve cleaned your bath, use a hot damp cloth to rinse off your bicarb and lemon.

To avoid having watermarks, use a dry cloth to give the whole thing a wipe over.

I wish you could experience how gorgeous the bathroom smells after a good clean with these eco-friendly products. The multi-purpose spray has got the most beautiful scent, and I'm really thrilled that I have collaborated with Joy on this video.

Hopefully, it's inspired you to look at your cleaning products and the way that you're cleaning your home, and shown you a really good multi-purpose cleaner you can use in so many different ways. Plus of course how to utilise a trusty lemon! I was thrilled with how the lemon and bicarbonate soda simply popped onto that scouring sponge buffed my shower screen up, it is gleaming! Plus it really was effortless, there was no elbow grease involved, which is always a bonus!

Thank you all so much for reading, wishing you a fabulous weekend and happy spring cleaning! The birds are tweeting, the sun is shining and it's just the perfect time to give our home a really good blitz after the long winter!

Love, Charlie x


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