Empowering Confidence: Navigating Challenges And Embracing Your Journey!

This week, we’re delving into a topic that's been highly requested – confidence. It's taken me a while to sit down and share how I've gained the confidence to do what I do, but with the start of a new year and a revitalising new season on the horizon, I thought now was the time to share.

Growing up, I faced challenges. Being severely dyslexic and feeling useless at school meant that my self-esteem was at rock bottom, especially with a brother excelling academically. Riding and dressmaking were my outlets, but it was at a new school for A levels that I found my stride in design and began to flourish.

Challenges have persisted, but a supportive community and the learning curves during many life lessons have helped me navigate them. Simon has built my confidence to no end and understands me inside out, and with Tish's encouragement, I’ve ventured into many new and exciting elements of my Ask Charlie brand, overcoming my initial fears. I felt physically sick recording my first YouTube video, but here we are!

Stepping out of my comfort zone, attending courses to better myself, and working with a wonderful business coach were crucial in my journey. Mel Robbins' 5-second rule pushed me to take risks, and my faith has also been a source of confidence and courage. I've learned to ignore negativity, trust my values, and embrace reinvention.

I hope today’s video serves as a source of inspiration. Confidence is a journey, and I want to encourage you to forge your own path, take bold steps, and believe in your capabilities.

Love, Charlie x


Mel Robbins The 5-Second Rule - https://www.melrobbins.com/5secondrule

Beth Goodrham - https://www.bethgoodrham.com/

Tia Talula - https://www.instagram.com/tiatalula/?...

Dr Tara Reinvent yourself - https://www.taraswart.com/podcast/

Tish (Neon) - https://www.theneoncollective.com/


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