Cooking your Christmas cake on the Aga and come with us on a Scottish surprise
This week I bring you along for some Christmas shopping in Petworth, the most wonderful trip to Scotland and to bake some sumptuous Christmas cakes! I also talk you through my session with a phenomenal acupuncturist, somebody I visited in the past whilst trying to conceive and who is now helping boost my health again.
First, come along with me to Petworth where I give you a sneak peek into some of my absolute favourite shops, all selling their Christmas goodies. If you’re looking for a quaint little town filled with that ‘Christmassy’ feeling - Petworth should be your go-to!

Then, I talk a little about my appointment with an acupuncturist based in London - I cannot recommend acupuncture more highly, the benefits are felt almost immediately for me and I am so pleased to have ventured up to see him again. I shall keep you posted on my results of course, but I’m really confident it’s going to make a huge difference.
I also whip up one of my famous Christmas cakes. I make *lots* of these for clients, customers, friends and loved ones and every year without fail they come back for more - often with a few more added to give as gifts themselves! You can download my recipe by hitting the button below and give them a whirl for yourself.
Lastly, you’ll join us as Sigh, Gus and I journey to Scotland to surprise our darling Archie. Thankfully we got there in time to watch his school rugby match - it was so special to see him play, and they all did so well. I definitely had a few proud Mummy moments!
We stayed at Culloden House which holds so many great memories for us, we’ve visited as a family many times and have always enjoyed every second. The views are beautiful, the interiors are so traditionally decorated, plus its location is extremely convenient when flying to and from the airport as it’s just a short drive away.
Do join us this week for the start of my Ask Charlie Vlogmas videos, and expect more coming next week! I’m so excited to be filming extra episodes in the run-up to Christmas Day, so you can join us as we get stuck right into the festive season.
Next week I have a Christmas Q&A on the way, so let me know if there’s anything you’d like to know about this season. From organising to hosting, cooking to decorating and everything in between, I’ll do my best to answer in that upcoming video. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss it!
Love, Charlie x