An expensive day! And how to make Cumberland sauce

This vlogmas episode begins in a very chilly Sussex with a few animal worries and vet visits - however, I’m over the moon to say all is well and everyone is on the mend.

Our vets are incredible; they have the best hands for the job, and I’m so grateful for them. As always they went above and beyond for both Colin and Maud this week, so I’d like to start by saying a humungous thank you to them both publicly, they are wondrous!

I then bring you along with me to collect some gammon from my local butcher ready for this weekend’s catering job and show you how I whip up a jar of my famous Cumberland Sauce to accompany the meal.

I finish the video just as I leave for my last appointment with Adrian, my acupuncturist. I cannot describe how much better I feel, my get-up-and-go has indeed returned and I definitely am back on form!


Charlie x


Jumper - Holland Cooper

Whatever Next by Anne Glenconner on Audible

My Cumberland Sauce Recipe


Total Wipeout!


Answering Your Christmas Questions