A Fabulous London Event & A Day at Cheltenham Races! (International Women’s Day & More)
This week started with a trip to London, invited by Augustine Jewels for a fascinating and hugely thought-provoking talk celebrating International Women’s Day.
It was an inspiring morning featuring brilliant women in business, including Alexandra from Augustine Jewels and Anna Mason, a fabulous fashion designer and co-founder of Equi London. We heard from an incredible gynaecologist as well, discussing the challenges women still face today. It really got me thinking about how we can support and uplift others.
Back home, we had a wonderfully delicious family dinner and tour of the newly refurbished rooms at The White Horse at Chilgrove, which has recently reopened – such a treat! Do look them up if you're ever in the vicinity. Then, Cheltenham Races! One of my favourite days of the year. I had the best time catching up with friends and soaking up the atmosphere.
Coco had her first show jumping competition, and it went brilliantly—we are all so immensely proud of her! The puppies are growing fast, Billy the tortoise is out of hibernation, and I’ve been busy in the garden. Sophie, my photographer, also popped by for an Easter-themed shoot, which was a joy to put together, do check out my Spring products over on my website for the perfect Easter-themed tablescapes.
A busy and inspiring week – and there’s so much more to come!
Love, Charlie x
P.S - at the end of the week, we said a heartbreaking goodbye to Tess. I just wanted to say the most almighty thank you for your kind words, she was a very dear member of the family and her presence shall be sorely missed. Thank you for your support.
Products, Brands & Businesses Mentioned:
Augustine Jewels – https://www.augustinejewels.com - Ad/Invite
Boden (IWD Event Dress) - https://www.boden.com/
Anna Mason (Fashion Designer) – https://www.annamasonlondon.com
Equi London (Vitamin Supplements) – https://equilondon.com
The White Horse at Chilgrove – https://www.thewhitehorse.co.uk
Julianna Heale - https://circleboutique.co.uk/
Oliver Brown (Men’s Tailoring) – https://www.oliverbrown.org.uk
Estribos - https://www.estribos.co/
Esmera Jewellery – https://esmerajewellery.com/ - Ad/Gift
Salthouse England (Gloves) – https://salthouseengland.com - Ad/Previous Partner
Pollyanna Parasols – https://www.pollyannaparasols.com
Cordings of Piccadilly (Jackets) – https://www.cordings.co.uk (Ad/Previous Partner)
Space Masks (Self-heating Eye Masks) – https://www.spacemasks.com