A Day Out, Birthday Celebrations & Preparing for a New Arrival! (Half Term Family Time)

This week started with a lovely day out before half-term kicked in for the boys! I was invited for a treatment at L’Occitane in Guildford, which was utterly blissful, and I also picked up some bits for my darling Coco’s birthday. She turned 15, and we had a wonderful celebration with a homemade cake and family dinner at her favourite pub.

There was also a visit from our old nanny, which was so lovely. She was such a big part of our family when the children were little, and it was wonderful to catch up after all these years.

On the home front, there’s been a lot going on with the horses—Santana has gone for some training, and we’re getting everything ready for Molly’s arrival. There’s been a mix of excitement and emotion since Lola is starting to show, which is amazing—it’s always such a special time when you know puppies are on the way. At the same time, Tess is getting more frail, and I’m finding it hard to know when the right time will be to say goodbye. For now, we’re just giving her as much love and care as possible, with plenty of snuggles and time together.

Lastly, I’ve also been testing out some great beauty products, trying new recipes with the Ninja Creami (it’s amazing!), and making sure everything is in place for the weeks ahead.

I’ve also been asked if I’d do another Q&A, which I love filming! If you have any questions—whether it’s about home organisation, family life, my favourite products, or anything else—pop them in the comments, and I’ll try to answer as many as I can for next week’s video.

Love, Charlie x

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Products, Brands & Businesses Mentioned:

Cordings Of Piccadilly - https://www.cordings.co.uk/ - Ad/Previous Partner

Peachy Belts - https://www.peachybelts.co.uk/ - Use ASKCHARLIE for discount

House of Bruar – https://www.houseofbruar.com/

Beaufort & Blake - Cooper Khaki Showerproof Car Coat - https://www.beaufortandblake.com/products/cooper-khaki-showerproof-car-coat (Ad/Gifted)

Beaufort & Blake - Seaford Ecru Herringbone Deck Shirt - https://www.beaufortandblake.com/products/seaford-ecru-herringbone-deck-shirt-1 (Ad/Gifted)

Bridie & Bert – Honor Jumpsuit - https://bridieandbert.com/products/honor-jumpsuit-plain-navy-and-wide-legged (Ad/Gifted)

L'Occitane – https://uk.loccitane.com/ (Ad/Invite)

Balance Me Skincare – https://www.balanceme.com/ (Ad/Gift)

Ninja Creami – https://ninjakitchen.co.uk/

Vida Glow Collagen - https://ausnz.vidaglow.com/ - Ad/Gift

Neuaura Supplements - https://www.neuaura.co/ - Use ASKCHARLIE for discount - Ad/Gift

Simple - https://simplelifeapp.sjv.io/c/4884286/2760259/15148 (Ad/Aff)

Dr Jart+ – https://www.drjart.com/

Jane Iredale – https://janeiredale.com/

Trinny London - https://trinnylondon.com/ - Ad/Previous Partner

AdornU - https://adornu.co.uk/ - Use CHARLIE for 15% off

Present House Company – https://thepresenthouse.co.uk/

Ehrman Tapestry - https://www.ehrmantapestry.com/

Little Red/Red Card Petworth: https://discoverpetworth.uk/shop/

The Lucinda Green XC Academy: https://www.lucindagreenxcacademy.com


Answering Your Questions About Family, Food & Life! (An Ask Charlie Q&A)


How to Organise Your Wardrobe & Shop Smarter (Practical Tips for a Functional Wardrobe)